The Art of Ryan M. Fritz

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Artist in Residency, Ryan Fitz at the West Acres Shopping Center

Ryan M. Fritz has been accepted as an artist in residence at the West Acres Mall of Fargo, ND. From January 8th, 2107, lasting for a period of 6 weeks, Fritz will be creating works in acrylic and oil. 

UPDATE: After 3 weeks of dedicated painting and study, I have proclaimed the Artist in Residency at the West Acres Mall as life changing - a success! Boundless inspiration for not only the artist, but for the guests and visitors of the studio as well.

A warm Thank You to the West Acres Shopping Center for such an opportunity. It's challenging to put into words how well this works for an emerging artist - the time to create, every day, for 6 weeks. At times exhuasting, but such is life for things that are worth it.